Minggu, 16 Juni 2013

pure and legend dragon

              breeding pure and legend dragon

legend dragon

The dragon breeding list for the legendary rank is well, pretty rare. You really have to rely heavily on your luck to get a
shot at landing these dragons.
Tip: Level up your dragons to have better chance of getting a Legendary. I got 2 legendaries in a row with level 20 Cool
Flame + Level 20 Soccer.
Legendary Dragon = Cool Flame Dragon + Soccer Dragon
Crystal Dragon = Cool Flame + Soccer
Mirror Dragon = Gummi Dragon + Cool Flame Dragon
Wind Dragon = Gummi Dragon + Cool Flame Dragon

pure dragon
Breeding Legendary + Legendary dragons may result a Pure Dragon . It does not always work, and it takes 48
hours to incubate and 48 hours breeding. You can breed:
Legendary + Crystal = Pure
Crystal + Mirror = Pure
Mirror + Wind = Pure and so on...
Pure Dragons are the latest addition to the Dragon City. First came the Pure Dragon, which is breed from any
combination of the 4 Legendary Dragons. Since it's release 4 other "Pure" Dragons have been released: Pure Terra
Dragon, Pure Flame Dragon, Pure Sea Dragon and Pure Nature Dragon. Their symbols also appear in The Book of Dragons.
They seem to be a rarer sort of legendary dragons. It is stated that in order to breed them, "only a few combinations will
work". What that means is that to breed any of the newest Dragons, you must breed the Pure Dragon with Elemental
Pure Dragon + Terra Dragon = Pure Terra Dragon
Pure Dragon + Flame Dragon = Pure Flame Dragon
Pure Dragon + Sea Dragon = Pure Sea Dragon
Pure Dragon + Nature Dragon = Pure Nature Dragon
Pure Dragon + Electric Dragon = Pure Electric Dragon
Pure Dragon + Dark Dragon = Pure Dark Dragon
Pure Dragon + Ice Dragon = Pure Ice Dragon
Pure Dragon + Metal Dragon = Pure Metal Dragon

masuk ke facebook saya https://www.facebook.com/dragon.city.338?ref=tn_tnmn

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